Monster Journal

Monster Journal is an alternative media and creative platform with various features and reviews, but we are focusing on topics related to pop-culture and entertainment such as film, series, anime, game, and many more. We sometimes write in English or in Indonesian, mostly depend on our mood.

The site is curated, edited and served by an independent, cool, and classy team, that’s why we always try hard to provide high-quality articles for our readers and we will keep doing so. We are like going MONSTER KILL! Furthermore, not only high-quality but we also want to give you many interesting and engaging articles that are suitable for your taste. Articles that feel like a kamehameha hit in your face!

Monster Journal was just created in the middle of 2021, the website previously also known as chakraswara.com that has been around since 2015. We change our website to make the branding of this website more suitable with our contents. Picking a name is actually quite confusing, more confusing than choosing your pokemon starter.

Anyway, this website is built with good intentions and developed with personal and community approaches so that this website can become a great alternative reading site among many mainstream and independent media out there. We will make sure to satisfy your inner nerd, geek, and otaku!

Through journalism and community building we want to help the economy of pop-cultures forward.


MSJ+ is a parent entity where Monster Journal was proudly born from. Beside managing Monster Journal for our pop-culture content, we also have The Journal Radar (journalradar.my.id) that provides insightful analysis and commentaries.


Moreover, we are also having a discord community namely MSJ+ Asia. A group where we discuss and sharing about many things from films, games, anime, hobbies, and politics.

Join our discord: https://discord.gg/msj 


What kind of articles do we write?

From blockbuster movies to obscure anime and manga, and from classic games to the latest AAA titles, we'll keep you informed and entertained with features, reviews, and opinion pieces. Let us fulfill your inner geek, nerd, and otaku!


Just as a masterful sensei imparts wisdom to their disciple, our reviews will illuminate you into enlightenment. We will guide you through the animation finest tales.
From blockbuster to festival’s niche. From fine romance to adventurous isekai. Even exclusive streaming contents, our reviews are like ancient witchcraft spells.


Our Features delve into the alchemical artistry that transforms your interests into sensations, characters into legends, and sets into enchanted kingdoms. Here you can explore the interesting story of your favourite film, series, anime, comics, games, trends, and also some lists of our favourites


Venture into the labyrinth of thoughts and musings, where our wordsmith wizards craft intricate Essays, Opinions, and Interviews that unravel the mystical threads woven into your favorite films, anime, series, and games. We are passionately championing the supremacy of a particular anime arc or fearlessly questioning the logic of a cinematic universe.


From any unique events, social media conversations, the current cultural trend, to the viral things in our social life. We will bring them to you from our unique and honest point-of-view.


A central information for various topics that are interesting. Beyond the heartbeat of pop-culture, lies a realm where intelligence gathered.

Visit us for for an odyssey of various information from current news to the received press releases.


In the realm of modern entertainment, some classic tales that stand tall across ages are tend to be forsaken.

Kultura is a venture into a forsaken territory, from old-classic-tales to the elegance of cultural performance and the timeless allure of art.


It's where the currents of insight converge and the tapestries of imagination are woven. Delve deeper with essays, opinions, and interviews.

For within this nexus, the essence of pop culture is distilled into wisdom and wonder.




BAND 8-9

Excellent! A contender of the year’s best!

BAND 6-7

Enjoyable and Fun. But not worthy to watch with weekend price.


Not really recommended


It sucks! Don't watch it!


You can reach us for any inquiries and not limited to:
– Partnership
– Event Invitation
– Press Release
– Advertising

You can submit your inquiry via email to:



Monster Journal is a webzine with varied contents. We know very well about who are our main readers, the variety of the contents also make Monster Journal draws attention from larger audiences and larger market.

We always deliver fun, interesting, and engaging contents through our website, that’s what make a lot of people keep visiting our website on daily basis. We also deliver our content not only in Indonesian language but also in English, that make us have a potential to reach global audiences.

More than global readers in the human world, we also believe that our website reaches demons, monsters, elves, orcs, and even the nether realms. WHY? Because this website is made by a Demon Lord level 99! (Go away mere human!)

Well, we would be delighted to share with you our credentials for commercial opportunities. For further information please reach us through e-mail above or read more here.


We would like to inform you that we are very happy if there is anyone who wants to contribute for our website. You guys can become a contributor for this website by writing any article that you like, anything that excites you or anything that you already mastered!

Either it is how to cast a thunder bolt, how to master shuriken, how to tame a dragon, or even best RPG game on your list! Whatever it is, just send us an email! Make sure it is good and interesting… do not worry, because even if you think your article is not good enough, we can always send you our feedback for you to reshape the article!

Send your article via email to: yourofficial.monster[at]gmail.com
subject: Demon Lord Army – Article Title

Dont forget to give us also your name and the link to your social media!

Also, please attach your article file on your email, do not write the article in the body email or else the troops of undead will go to your home! Read more here!

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