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Review, Exhuma (2024)

Horror and supernatural films have long been a popular genre in cinema, often drawing inspiration from the deep scars of the past. These films delve into the darker aspects of human experience, tapping into our primal fears and the collective trauma of history. Horror and supernatural films also provide a platform for the exploration of deep-seated…

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Review, Ice Age (2002)

Ice Age is more than just a movie. It’s a valuable time spent with family when you were young. This movie is an unforgettable epic adventure for audiences of all ages because of the mesmerizing scenes and the story. Conveyed through sparkling animation with beautiful visuals, we are presented with the unexpected friendship of three…

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Siksa Neraka, Penderitaan Tak Berujung

Penggambaran konsep neraka kerap digunakan untuk menciptakan atmosfer yang mencekam dan menakutkan. Api yang menyala-nyala, teriakan yang menghantam telinga, serta asap hitam menjadi satu kesatuan elemen untuk membangun ketakutan dan penghukuman yang kejam. Neraka dalam berbagai karya film ataupun karya sastra seringkali menjadi simbol  simbol kegelapan yang meresap hingga ke dasar jiwa manusia dimana sebuah…

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