The Next Leap of Assassin’s Creed: Coming to Japan, Going to Mobile to Producing Netflix Series
In 2020, Ubisoft presented fans with Assassin’s Creed Valhalla 2 years after Assassin’s Creed Odyssey was released. Valhalla is not a small game, it…
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In 2020, Ubisoft presented fans with Assassin’s Creed Valhalla 2 years after Assassin’s Creed Odyssey was released. Valhalla is not a small game, it…
In early to mid of March 2022, Netflix’s stock was sunk to its lowest point since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in March…
Death Note adalah anime manga Jepang yang sangat populer. Di Jepang sendiri, Death Note sudah memiliki empat film versi live action dan kini ceritanya…
“Usir orc itu dari sini!” ucap para tallman penguasa bumi atas. Perang antara tallman dan orc yang berkepanjangan memaksa para orc untuk menyingkir ke…
Japan has been well-known for its amazing animation and cute storyline like shoujo anime. Popular anime like; Horimiya, A Sign of Affection, Blue Spring…
Comics have been a fun entertainment for all ages and everyone can enjoy it anytime and anywhere. Not only that, we can get it…
Most anime watchers agree that the best isekai hero goes to Rimuru Tempest from the anime ‘That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime’.…
Pada masa Perang Dunia II, Jepang memiliki ambisi besar untuk menyatukan Asia Timur dan negara-negara Asia lainnya di bawah kendalinya. Namun, ambisi ini berakhir…
“Dia bukan samurai, cuma retainer, ud gitu cuma 15 bulan sebelum Nobunaga wafat, lalu dikirim ke Jesuit,” keluh Hendry Chong dalam media sosial Facebook…